when your preschool community becomes your family

One of the hardest things to do as a parent is trust other people with your kids. Whether it be a family member, daycare teacher, the girl down the street, sports coach, etc. Entrusting your child in the care of another human is hard to adjust to.

Especially when everyday there is another horror story in the news about a daycare provider harming a child, a baby dying in the care of their sitter. How can you trust that anyone will care for your little humans the way that you would? You can’t.

When we started to entertain the idea of putting our oldest into a daycare/preschool program I was terrified. There are so many scary things that can happen, but I researched all that I could.

After finding a few places with potential, we toured the first one. We will call it ABC. The appeal at first was that it was four miles from our house, win. As we toured the facility we discussed locked buildings, security cameras monitoring inside and out, certified teachers, among many other promising features.

We immediately liked it. The facility, the structure, the feeling we got, the people we met – all good vibes. Cam started a few weeks later.

Once I got passed the initial mom guilt of sending him to daycare, I realized how much fun he was having. But not only was he having fun, he was learning so much and gaining so many socialization skills. It was beneficial for us both.

His first area was the infants/toddlers room. This was designed for newborns to two year olds. There was just as much learning as there was playing. The best of both worlds. In this space we met an abundance of kind, helpful, loving women that I am fond of. Some of which weren’t even Cam’s direct teacher but cared so much for him just the same. One of these woman even became our go-to caregiver in our home which I can never thank her enough for.

To you (Miss A, Miss C, Miss T, Miss G, Miss G, Miss K), I thank you endlessly for the mornings that I handed off a whining toddler. For the mornings that we were a hot mess of lateness but you pretended not to notice. For the one morning specifically when you, Miss C, waited by my car with Lily (who had a blowout) so I could run Cam in and hand him off to you, Miss T, and avoid getting her out until we got home. I thank you for cuddling, loving, teaching, and molding.

Fast forward to one year and four months later, Lily followed her brothers footstep and started ABC also. Because they had been so fond of her big brother, it was easy for Lily to immediately be adored. She was just as sweet as her brother with a little extra squish to love. Once again, the beautiful humans in the I/T room welcomed her with open and excited arms. They taught her all the wonderful things that they had taught her brother before her. I thank you for cuddling, loving, teaching, and molding.

Graduating out of the I/T room was difficult. I had developed a bond with them. They chit chatted about things to me, made me feel like I had friends in an area where I didn’t know anyone yet. They weren’t just there for my children, they were there for me.

There were two summers spent in the preschool 2 room for young 2 year olds. Because of where their birthdays fall, they were only there for June through September before making their way to the preschool building.

Here is where it all changes. Now the requirements become a bit more real. The preparation for kindergarten begins, in gradual steps, as soon as you enter the door. One of the greatest aspects of this center was the ability to start as a newborn and cycle through their entire program.

Preschool 2, for the older two year olds, was a bit of a change. Cam didn’t adjust well at first. The building had a stigma to it for some. Instead of moving into a new classroom, they moved into a new building completely. Like the first day all over again. But Miss J, our preschool 2 teacher, helped to make the transition easier. With patience and kindness, Cam worked through it and basically fell in love with her. What is even more endearing is the fact that Miss J fell equally, if not more, in love with him. Then when Lily entered into the classroom with J and the same thing happened all over. I thank you for cuddling, loving, teaching, and molding.

The beautiful thing about their time in Preschool 2 is that this woman, Miss J, treats and truly loves both of my kids as if they were her own. In fact, they even resemble her kids in many ways. The bond that my little humans share with her is almost as if she were a family member. Happy to see her, sad to say goodbye. To you I am forever touched by your love for them. You have shown to my kids that love can come from many places and very often your friends can become your family.

Now that Cam has entered Preschool 3 we have met Miss A, a woman that I truly believe was made for her job. From the Pinterest crafts to the exciting new ways the finds to teach the same old things. She is creative, patient, fun, and kind. She is what I picture a preschool to be. A younger, less crazy version of Miss Frizzle if you will. I am thankful for the patience she has shown my son in her time with him. Between his shyness and the potty training hurdle, she has never lost her cool. To you I am forever grateful because you have been there to help shape my son as he leaves behind the baby stage and becomes a little boy. I thank you for cuddling, loving, teaching, and molding.

We have spent two and a half years growing as a part of the ABC family. Outside of the teachers that spend time with my children each day, they have a solid foundation. It does not go unnoticed that Mr. M takes so much time and cares so strongly for the center. The kids get excited to see him, to yell ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ on our way in and out. He is a staple to this establishment.

Last, but certainly not least, we come to Miss B. Without you none of this would have ever been possible. You have given me hope that it is possible to find a great place to send my littles in the world. Though I am unsure if I will ever find somewhere I love as much as ABC. Thank you for always allowing me to be a hot mess, change my mind 45 times, talk in long and run on sentences when I know you have better things to do, and really, truly care about the well being of my kids. I am grateful for all of the beautiful human beings I have met and watched care for (and love) my children. Thank you for picking the cream of the crop.

I’m also incredibly thankful for the friends my kids have made along the way and the parents that I have been lucky enough to also become friends with. Yes, Cori I’m talking about you.

Our last day at ABC will be both exciting (as we enter a new chapter) but also incredibly sad (as I am going to miss every single one of you). Thank you from the bottom of my heart. We love you all.

To those scared mommas reading this post, I want you to know that the world is a scary place. But it is 100% possible to find a safe and kind daycare/preschool for your little babes. Ask the right questions, get a feel for the teachers, tour the location, trust your gut. You will find your gem, just like we did.

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