I’ve Been Nominated for the Liebster Award 2017

To shed some light on this, for anyone that does not know, The Liebster Award was started in 2011 and it is a way to showcase new bloggers. It also helps to drive more traffic to their blogs and they continue to build their community.
I am very fortunate to have been nominated by a fellow mommy blogger – Jess from Grace + Ford. She is navigating her way through life with two under two, in a totally relatable and real way. For some stay at home mom tips, diy projects, and helpful insight from her pregnancy – check her out at Grace + Ford.
I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorite bloggers, Emily from Living with Littles
One of the greatest things that I have gained from blogging is the ability to connect with women, near and far, about something we will forever have in common – motherhood. We all share the same struggles and support each other through them. Emily is no different – on her blog you will find seasonal bucket list ideas to use with your own kids, reviews on products you hear about all the time, and plenty of great stories about her real life. Just recently she posted a fall bucket list and I personally cannot wait to recreate it with my own kids! For the rest of this post and so much more, check her out at Living with Littles.

For the Liebster Award, I also nominate..

Brie from Motherhood, the struggle is real
Jessie from Ocean Breeze and Peonies
Rachel from Petals and Quill
Lindsay from Just Simply Happenstance

Part of my nomination includes listing ten facts about myself

  1. I am very happy with the age gap of our children
  2. with that being said, we are very much done having children
  3. my husband was general manager, it is how we met
  4. we moved to Maryland almost two years ago and I have never felt more at home in any location I have ever lived
  5. my wake up time is between 530-6 am and it has nothing to do with my children
  6. I do not like coffee, I just like Dunkin Donuts caramel iced coffee
  7. I am the president of the local MOMS Club
  8. Despite being a SAHM, my kids attend daycare/preschool
  9. Binge watching TV shows is one of my most successful hobby
  10. Chocolate is my weakness, mostly dark chocolate

Another portion of my nomination includes answering the questions provided for me by the blogger that nominated me, so thank you Jess for your questions

  1. What is your favorite Country that you have visited?
  2. What is number 1 on your bucket list?
    go to Australia
  3. What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
    stop taking things so seriously
  4. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    pizza, sadly.. I could definitely eat it everyday
  5. What is your all time favorite song?
    I don’t really have one, I listen to different music during different moods
  6. If money was no option, where would you live and why?
    I would live anywhere close to my husbands work, he commutes an hour each way right now and I would just want to be closer to his work (wherever it may be)
  7. If you could give someone 1 Million dollars, who would it be and why?
    my mom, she has struggled a lot in life and I think she would benefit from it most
  8. Who is your all-time celebrity crush?
    I have a girl crush on Reese Witherspoon, I feel like she is just a sweet woman
  9. Where is your favorite beach located?
    I like all beaches, I don’t discriminate
  10. Apple or Samsung?
    Apple, for sure
  11. Books or Movies?
    if you asked me 10 years ago, I would have said books – but now its movies

To the women I have nominated, the following are my questions for you

  1. If money were no object (i.e. you could hire a nanny, a housekeeper, a chauffeur, etc). how many children would you have?
  2. Have you ever regret your children’s names?
  3. What is your best childhood memory?
  4. Are there any holiday traditions from your childhood that you have carried over for your children?
  5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  6. Do you have a favorite color?
  7. What piece of jewelry means the most to you?
  8. Who in your family are you closest to?
  9. What fall TV show are you most looking forward to?
  10. How has blogging changed your life?

I am so grateful for the nomination and thankful to have been able to share some of my favorite blogs with you. For the full list of rules and guidelines please use this link.

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