There is no secret that I like to celebrate the holidays and coming seasons in a huge way. This usually means a goody basket of things that fit the holiday or seasonal theme. The size of these baskets varies depending on how much I gather together leading up to the time I plan to gift them. You can see our back to school, welcome summer, easter, and love baskets from this year as well as plenty of examples prior. There are lots of inspiration and ideas for you to create your own baskets too.

For the baskets I usually pull together various types of snacks, pajamas, festive shirts, arts + crafts supplies, bath bombs or bubble bath, and things of that nature. To put together one of them, the Target Dollar Spot and Dollar Tree are two of the best, inexpensive places to grab things. I love adding holiday pajamas, shirts, and socks into these as well.
bat pajamas
halloween socks
blank festive notebook
festive pencils
halloween bead bracelet kits
Crayola bathtub finger paint
bubble wands
witches bath bombs
Jelly Belly halloween jelly beans
wood shape characters, glass haunted houses, and sun catchers to paint
mini halloween puzzles
animals in costume keychains
skeleton necklaces
halloween hair bows
haunted bubble gum
ghost cookies
mini packs of halloween cotton candy

Much of these items are also from random stops to HomeGoods (bath bombs), TJ Maxx (bead kits), and Marshalls (jelly beans). I also love to incorporate my favorite small shops to add a special little touch. This years boo baskets have adorable bows from Amberlin & Oak and Jersie Louise Handmade necklaces. Both are super cute and add so much fun to the holiday season.
Please always remember you are not required to create gift baskets for any holiday. You are a good parent no matter how you choose to show your love. Filling your kids cup is what will always be the most important. I’m simply here to provide inspiration and ideas to help create magic during the upcoming holiday season.