packing essentials – things I can’t leave home without

Right now I’m in New York City for the BlogHer Conference, the largest celebration of women online content creators, social media influencers, media makers, and brand marketers.

I’m so nervous but SO ECSTATIC to be attending my first conference as a lifestyle blogger. This has been such a fun journey and will only get more exciting!

While I was packing for my trip I realized that no matter where I am going or who I am going with, there are a some items that I never leave home without. I thought right now, while I am on a trip, would be the perfect opportunity to share the list with you.


1. Skin care routine. I am a creature of habit and my skin care routine is no exception. Making sure to pack each step is vital starting with my makeup removing wipes, cleanser, witch hazel, moisturizer, and dermatologist prescribed medication.

2. Medication. With frequent headaches, you can never be too prepared. Going out of town I am sure to pack ibuprofen, zantac, deodorant, perfume, chapstick, hand sanitizer, band aids, wet wipes. I feel like a really old, really uptight person for having things like that with me.. but there is nothing worse than being away in a new place and being uncomfortable.

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3. Makeup. In the same breath, all of those things that I wipe off my face at the end of the day are important. If I forget any part of my makeup routine, the whole process of getting ready is thrown off. From matte primer, foundation, and concealer to bronzer, mascara, highlight, and setting spray – the gang is all here.

4. Accessories. When I pack outfits, I lay them out and pick the accessories for them making sure that each outfit has a matching necklace or earrings. I don’t get to accessorize often because my kids love. love. love. to yank on everything I wear in an effort to take it from me, so when I can, I do.

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5. Haircare. My hair loses its mind when we go out of town. Whether it is a different climate, more or less moisture in the air, water pressure, you name it – my hair might decide to go a completely different direction so I need to prepared. I pack a hairdryer if we’re going locally because hotel hairdryers historically suck, straightener + curling wand, heat protectant spray, thickening spray, and hairspray. If it is even a light bit humid, I will need one of those and it is completely dry out, I will need the opposite. You just never know.

6. Clothing. Being so unsure of my surroundings this trip, I have packed a few pieces that can be dressed up or down depending on the event. Rompers are always a great idea – wedges/heels + a statement necklace to dress up and flip flops to dress down. For most trips I pack at least two outfits a day, shorts/jeans + a cute top for the day with something a little dressier for our usual dinner dates.


7. Business items. This trip could be considered a business trip, so some of the items I am packing obviously wouldn’t be necessary for a leisure getaway. I will be bringing along my laptop + charger, cellphone charger, headphones, my newly made business cards, printed copies of my media kit, notepad + pen, hotel reservations, and printed tickets for events.

8. Shoes. I basically live by the motto that you can never have enough shoes. When packing for a trip I tend to pack at least one pair of each color, whether that is boots or sandals. There is no way I am organized enough to pack all of my outfits to match one color pair of shoes, so they must all come!

Hopefully since I am already in NYC I didn’t forget anything important. But if I did, I will be sure to update this list!

What are some of your must-have in your suitcase items?

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