Scrolling through Facebook, the motherhood related pages that I have ‘liked’ constantly have articles relating to the ‘one and done’ moms. Mothers who have chosen …
5 reasons why I'm almost too old for a rock concert
Last month StubHub sent me an email with suggested upcoming events. One of them being Taking Back Sunday. I immediately flashed back to being 16 …
things I've learned about me since becoming a mom
Becoming a mom is a life changer. Sounds like an obvious statement. Something that does not need to be said. From the moment the test …
how we make things harder on ourselves
We, as moms, carry a lot of weight on our shoulders. We feel guilty about things we shouldn’t, we worry about things that others don’t, …
ways to stay connected after kids
Having a baby is one of the hardest things you can put your relationship through. Going from a couple, two adults that can do whatever …
a vacation guide: Puerto Vallarta
Before I begin, I want to address the elephant in the room. Yes. I am aware of the travel warning that has been issued for …
childless vacations, yes or no?
The first time we ever went away without Camden, I felt guilty the whole entire time. Camden had just turned two months old. I know …
how to survive stay-at-home motherhood
In the past two weeks, I have had conversations with two different women about staying at home with my kids. The conversation started each time …
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep.."
"slowly, and then all at once."– John Green I am firm believer that love is not measured by time. I do not believe the amount …