the house that built me

If you have followed along for a while, you know that I initially didn’t want to move into this house. If not, you can read the backstory here.

Three years and four months later, we are headed to settlement. Today we say goodbye to this house. The house that built me.

I know typically you’d consider the house that built you to be the one from your childhood. The one you grew up in. But for me, it’s this one.

In this house I raised one infant while growing another. Raised two children under the age of you. Grew into my role as a stay at home mom.

In this house I became the wife of a Regional Vice President, a far more prestigious role than the previous. With more dinners, events, and handshaking than I’d ever had to do.

In this house I learned about and accepted my mental illnesses. I found out how I cope, what triggers me, and how to help myself.

In this house I perfected my home decor style. After many bold moves and design mistakes, I learned what I like for a lasting look.

In this house I took on the role of homemaker, taking care of our home and family. Always working to make things better, easier, safer, etc. for my family.

In this house I learned that I loved writing this blog, tapping into my creative side, connecting with brands, and contributing to my family.

In this house I gained a better understanding of what I can and can’t do. I figured out what my limits are and what I can/can’t take on at once.

In this house I joined a MOMS Club and met some of the best friends I could ask for. Lifetime lasting relationships that I nurture and care strongly about.

In this house we hosted holiday parties, birthday parties, play dates, and so much more.

In this house we started traditions. Sharing the best memories every year.

In this house, we became our family. Bringing home our final member, the littlest lady, to complete us.

For these things, I’m forever grateful for this house. Even though I didn’t think I could see myself living here, I’m so thankful we decided to. This house gave us so much. I can only hope it gives the same to the new owners.

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