Valentine’s Day class printable

This week on Instagram I shared the little gifts that my kids will be giving their classmates for Valentine’s Day. We went super simple with unicorn and airplane erasers (perfect for little hands learning to write) and a box of conversation hearts attached to a note. I used clever puns that went along with the two style of erasers that I grabbed and decided to share, just in case you grab similar trinkets.

Below is the four variations of printable Valentine’s Day cards that I made. The first are simple and can be used with any gift, while the second two go a bit more with a theme. I printed mine with a standard HP printer on card stock paper then cut them apart. To attach the eraser (or trinket of choice) I punched two holes, placed my gift, and then used jute cord to tie them together. Very simple!

Feel free to use these printable Valentine’s by clicking the photo below to view them in a printer friendly version. Each file will open separately and allow you to print as many as you need.

If you decide to use any of the printable Valentine’s Day cards above, I would love if you shared and tagged me so I can see! Have fun!

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