what’s in my mail this Monday?

I have always been a lover of online shopping. Each time I receive a package, I get excited to see the item I purchased (whatever it may be) in person for the first time. Sometimes it is better than I imagined, other times it is a big disappointment. You just never know.

Now that I am actively pursuing this blog and my social media influence, there are products pouring in more than ever before. I often receive packages that I completely forgot were coming because I don’t have an order confirmation email for some of them.

To brighten up this dreary Monday, let’s talk about what packages have come in the mail this week.

So, what’s in my mail this Monday?

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There are four packages from the weekend and today. Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up.

Cocoon Cam Plus

This baby monitor is not only a night vision HD video monitor, but a real-time breathing monitor also. You can view and hear your baby right from your phone, see a list of updates as they wake in the night, and talk to them through the monitor. I am very excited to test these out and let you know what we think.

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JORD Watch

After purchasing my own JORD watch, I am now partnering with them to spread the word about how amazing their wood watches are. Stay tuned for a follow up post and details on the watch I chose.

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Tubby Todd

The days are starting to cool down and I can already feel my kids skin starting to dry up. With the frigid winter months just around the corner, I decided to get ahead and pick up the Tubby Todd hair and body wash. So many mommas have said the best things about this product and how it handles their littles delicate skin. I can’t wait to try it on my own little sensitive skin babes.


Hooray Heroes

This company, Hooray Heroes, creates personalized children’s books. They allow you to select one of their many books and change the character to look just like your child. This provides your babe with a magical moment seeing themselves inside the story. I created the newly released sibling book and once my kids actually get to read it, I will share the ins and outs with you all. It will make a really great Christmas gift for your own kids.

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I am looking forward to exploring these products a little more before I go into detail onĀ each of them. In the meantime, if you have any questions let me know!

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