This post is sponsored by Arm & Hammer. All reviews and opinions expressed in this post are based on my personal view. I take pride in hand selecting the brands that I work with and represent. All opinions expressed below are 100% mine.
It is no secret that small children can be difficult to feed. They are often very picky and what they like one day, they dislike the next. The one thing that my kids like everyday, no matter the day, are fruits and vegetables. With the amount of fruits and vegetables I buy and bring into our home, I need a reliable wash to ensure that my kids are eating only the freshest produce free of harsh chemicals.

The Arm & Hammer brand is widely known for always providing the best source of clean with the power of baking soda. This is no exception.
This wash safely eliminates pesticides, wax, and soil from your favorite fruits (such as grapes, strawberries, apples, etc.) and vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, etc.) both quickly and effectively. It is as easy as spraying on, rubbing gently, and rinsing off. For very thorough removal, let stand for 15 mins before rinsing.

Let your kids know how important cleaning your produce is by allowing them to help you with the cleaning of your products. This will teach them a valuable lesson on how to make sure our fruits and vegetables are as fresh as possible.
Check out this product and all of the other ways that baking soda powers cleaning on the Arm & Hammer website.