an achievable bucket list for fall

Each year when the calendar reaches September I start to make a list of all the extra special things that I want us to do. A bucket list if you will. I try to create an achievable bucket list for fall to ensure that I know that we can check everything off.

It is important to me that I continue any and all traditions with my kids over the years, no matter how big or small they are. Consistency is a key component to maintaining my own mental health as well as allowing my kids to know what is coming next.

For our fall bucket list this year, I have included some new and old things.

Pick apples + make a dessert

I have put this on our bucket list previously thinking it would be a totally easy thing to get done. Yet we have never gone apple picking before. Usually I debate whether the kids are old enough to enjoy it or not, but we recently went cherry picking. Now I know they do in fact like activities like this. So this year we WILL go apple picking and as a bonus, we will use them to make a yummy dessert.

Fall crafts

We have always been really consistent about making themed crafts. Hand print Frankensteins, apple core pumpkins, feather turkeys, etc. This is something we will continue to do fo as long as they enjoy crafting. A bonus is being able to see how their hands and feet get bigger each year we use them for a project.

Hayride at a pumpkin patch

My kids like hayrides a lot, so it is only natural that we go on one while we are at the pumpkin patch to pick out our perfect pumpkin.


We enjoy going on hikes pretty much any time of year but to me it is so much more enjoyable when the air is crisp and the leaves are turning colors. I hope to get a lot of hikes in this fall.

Rake and jump in a pile of leaves

We have NEVER done this, mostly because we don’t have any trees on our property so there is limited leaves available. This year I will seek out friends with trees to give my kids this experience.

Pick then paint/dissect a pumpkin

In previous years we have picked our pumpkins then painted them. This year I think we might try our hand at carving them instead.

Farmer’s Markets

Obviously you can visit a farmer’s market throughout the year, but it is not nearly as enjoyable when it is 98 degrees by 9am. Strolling through the market picking up fresh produce with my littles in the fall just screams simple happiness to me.

Corn Maze

We have never done a corn maze before. GASP. The thought of carrying my toddlers through it has never been to appealing. This year I think they will enjoy being able to walk around trying to navigate for themselves with us closely behind.

Do you create a bucket list for the seasons or just wing it as you go? If do you, what kind of things are your bucket list?

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