For this weeks Friday Favorites, I am going to share three of my favorite items for my kids that I found or bought this week.

Beachmate swim shirts – $48

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These swim shirts are thicker than any that we have previously owned making them feel a little more protective. The UPF 50 will keep your mind at ease. Plus with colors like the neon orange and neon pink, you will never lose track of those littles at the pool or beach.

Wet bags – $3

On Wednesdays during the summer, the preschool does “water play Wednesdays” and the kids get to splash around in water tables, with sprinklers, in baby pools, etc. The only downfall is having somewhere for the wet clothes to hangout while they wait for pick up later. With these adorable little wet bags, the teacher have somewhere to toss everything without having to worry. The Target dollar spot had so many different themes that it was almost impossible to choose.

Gummy vitamins – $5 to $10

Taking a daily vitamin is so important, so when we came across kids gummy vitamins it was no surprise that we scooped them up. My kids actually ASK for their vitamins in the morning and it is so nice to not have to fight to take them to take any.

What are some of your favorite things this week?

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